This week I watched...(29 November - 6 November)
So here's a new thing I'm doing that will summarise the highlights, lowlights and well, midlights of my movie-watching weeks. Instead of...
Movie reviews, lists and the occasional discussions over movies, TV, music and the odd video game.
A place where I talk about films, TV and other stuff I like. Remember, it's like, just my opinion, man.
So here's a new thing I'm doing that will summarise the highlights, lowlights and well, midlights of my movie-watching weeks. Instead of...
And we're back...just a little reminder from the previous countdown posts (you can find Part 1 here and Part 2 here) So once again, here...
And we're back...just a little reminder from the first post (you can find that here) of what went into doing this list: So once again,...
So once again, here we are. As per usual, I watched a shit-ton of movies last year, with 367 of them ticking off the boxes in terms of...
It’s Oscar time again. I know it’s lame to be excited for this kind of stuff, but hey here we are. Although the Oscars have got many...
Here are the previous lists... 100-51 50-26 They're filled with some goodies so definitely have a look if you like that kind of thing......
So I was going to post the remaining 50 in one giant post, but unfortunately the size of it exceeded the limit of what I am allowed to...
So here we are, another great year of films despite the pandemic. I watched 362 films from last year that meet the criteria for this...
Oof. Yet another year filled with an overload of incredible performances. Here's a list of those that resonated with me the most. The...
The Oscars are over and holy shit...what a bizarre night, but also, what a wonderful night for some truly deserving winners. I got some...
This year's Oscars are unlike any that have happened before, and for good reason. It is a year filled to the brim with smaller, indie...
So here it is, the final list. I know there will be controversial choices as well as their order in the countdown, but as previously...
We're back again with part 3 of the big countdown...and off we go... 50. Onward Director: Dan Scanlon Genre: Animation/Adventure/Comedy/F...
And we are back... 75. Father Soldier Son Directors: Leslye Davis, Catrin Einhorn Genre: Documentary Length: 1 Hour 39 Minutes Country:...
In spite of a pandemic, 2020 still saw a large amount of great films coming to the fore. Comments of "wErE tHeRe EvEn 100 FiLmS rElEaSeD...
Despite a pandemic shaking 2020's film schedule up, we still received loads of amazing performances from amazing films. These are my 25...
Despite a pandemic shaking 2020's film schedule up, we still received loads of amazing performances from amazing films. These are my 25...